
    Realizing Economic Growth in Western Australia

    The Growth Lab used its Growth Diagnostics and Economic Complexity methodologies to analyze the State of Western Australia’s economy and to identify avenues for productive diversification and sustainable economic transformation both at a state and regional level.


    As co-leaders of PELP, we believe in the importance of bridging research, theory and practice so as to increase the individual and collective impact of our nation’s largest school districts. Everything we do-- from our research and cross-sector case writing to our institutes and our follow-up convenings with school district leaders--is aimed at supporting school district leadership teams with the development and the excellent execution of strategy with attention to local context. We are proud of the positive impact PELP has...

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    ‘One of the most consumingly fascinating books I've read in years … Henrich’s thesis begins with the idea that if you are Weird (Western, Educated, Industrialised, Rich,...

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    Relaxation strategies can reduce the physiological and emotional components of the stress response.  Specific strategies include deep breathing, progressive muscle relaxation, visualization, and use of auditory cues to relax (e.g., music).

    Please use the menu to the left to read an Overview of Relaxation Practice and to access the specific exercise materials for Relaxation. All of the files are also available below for easy access in the future (i.e. when you are earning extra credit through repeated practice!)

    Sleep Hygiene

    Consistently getting a full night of sleep is one of the most effective strategies for reducing physiological and emotional responses to stressors.  This section includes tips and tricks for improving sleep hygiene.

    Evidence suggests that getting enough sleep each night is associated with:

    • Lower physiological reactivity to stressors (e.g., reduced cortisol responses to stress)
    • Reduced emotional reactivity to stressors
    • Greater ability to engage in reappraisal in response to stressors
    • Lower use of unhelpful...
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    Table of Contents

    PRELUDE: YOUR BRAIN HAS BEEN MODIFIED..................................................................................03

    What God Wants..........................................................................................................................................................07

    The Histories of...

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