Hannah Marcus (Stanford University) - From a Medical Republic of Letters to the Index of Prohibited Books


Monday, November 17, 2014, 5:00pm to 7:00pm


Robinson Hall, Basement Seminar Room, Harvard University, 35 Quincy St., Cambridge, MA 02138
Hannah will be presenting a paper based on the first chapter in her dissertation "Banned Books: Medicine, Readers, and Censors in Early Modern Italy".  She will explore the reactions of members of the medical republic of letters to the Pauline Index of 1559, the first papally issued Index of Prohibited Books, which prohibited works by German Protestants and explicitly banned many of the most important members of the medical community.  By focusing on the archive of Ulisse Aldrovandi, a Bolognese physician and naturalist, she seeks to piece together how a central scholar's reading was initially disrupted by these prohibitions and then how he continued to procure and consult prohibited books in spite of the Pauline Index.

This event is co-sponsored by the Early Modern History Workshop and the Mahindra Humanities Center Seminar for the History of the Book

Light refreshments will be provided.
Registration Closed