################################################################## ################################################################## # Gov 2001/1002/E-2001 Section 3 # 2-11-15 # Soledad Artiz Prillaman ################################################################## ################################################################## # Clear our workspace rm(list=ls()) #################################### ####### Likelihood Inference ####### #################################### #################################### ## PLOTTING THE LIKELIHOOD # dexp provides the PDF of the exponential distribution # If we set x to be 12 and lambda to be .25, # then p(y | lambda) = dexp(x = 12, rate = .25, log=FALSE) # To plot the likelihood, we can plot the PDF for different # values of lambda # The curve function plots the inputted function # with respect to what you label as x. # This means that the function you put in will be on the y-axis # and what you specify as x will be on the x-axis. curve(dexp(12, rate = x), xlab = expression(lambda), ylab = expression(paste("L(", lambda, "|y = 12)", sep = "")), bty = "l", main = "Likelihood density function", xlim = c(0,1)) # OR we can write a function for L( lambda | y) # The inputs are lambda and y (our data) likelihood <- function(lambda, y){ lambda * exp(-lambda * y) } # We can use curve to plot this likelihood function curve(likelihood(lambda = x, y = 12), xlab = expression(lambda), ylab = expression(paste("L(", lambda, "|y = 12)", sep = "")), bty = "l", main = "Likelihood density function", xlim = c(0,1)) #################################### ######## Bayesian Inference ######## #################################### #################################### ## PLOTTING THE PRIOR # dgamma provides the PDF of the gamma distribution # To plot the prior, we can plot the PDF for different # values of lambda ## Plot our Prior with alpha = 1 and beta = 2 curve(dgamma(x, shape = 1, rate = 2), xlab = expression(lambda), ylab = "Density", bty = "l", main = expression(paste(alpha, "= 1 and ", beta, "= 2", sep = "")), xlim = c(0,5)) ## Plot our Prior with alpha = 3 and beta = 2 curve(dgamma(x, shape = 3, rate = 2), xlab = expression(lambda), ylab = "Density", bty = "l", main = expression(paste(alpha, "= 3 and ", beta, "= 2", sep = "")), xlim = c(0,5)) #################################### ## PLOTTING THE POSTERIOR # dgamma provides the PDF of the gamma distribution # To plot the posterior, we can plot the PDF for different # values of lambda # Plot our Posterior with alpha = 1 and beta = 2 # ==> Gamma(2, 14) curve(dgamma(x, shape = 2, rate = 14), xlab = expression(lambda), ylab = "Density", bty = "l", main = "Posterior Density", xlim = c(0,1)) # OR we can write a function for p( lambda | y) # The inputs are lambda, y (our data), beta, and alpha posterior.propto <- function(lambda, y, beta, alpha){ lambda^alpha * exp(-lambda * (beta + y)) } # We can use curve to plot this likelihood function # Let's set alpha = 1 and beta = 2 # Note that this is not our PDF because we have ommitted # the constants curve(posterior.propto(lambda = x, y = 12, alpha = 1, beta = 2), xlim = c(0,1), xlab = expression(lambda), ylab = "Density", main = "Posterior Density", bty = "l") #################################### ## SUMMARIZING THE POSTERIOR ## Mean of Posterior # 1. We can simulate to get the mean of the posterior # Again let's assume that alpha is 1 and beta is 2 # Draw 10000 values from a Gamma(2, 14) distribution # then calculate the mean sim.posterior <- rgamma(10000, shape = 2, rate = 14) mean(sim.posterior) # Or we can calculate this analytically because the mean of a gamma is alpha / beta mean <- 2/14 ## Probability that lambda is between .2 and .4 # 1. We can integrate our proportional function and divide this by the total area from our proportional function # We have to divide by the total density of our function because of the ommitted constants density1 <- integrate(posterior.propto, alpha = 1, beta = 2, y = 12, lower = .2, upper = .4) total.density <- integrate(posterior.propto, alpha = 1, beta = 2, y = 12, lower = 0, upper = 100) density1$value / total.density$value # 0.2067 # 2. Or we can calculate this directly because we know the functional form of the posterior: pgamma(.4, shape = 2, rate = 14) - pgamma(.2, shape = 2, rate = 14) # 0.2067 #################################### ########## Neyman-Pearson ########## #################################### #################################### ## CALCULATING P-VALUES # create a population with mean 12, sd 4 pop <- rnorm(n=1e6, mean=12, sd=4) # draw a single sample of size 100 from population my.sample <- sample(pop, size=100, replace=T) # calculate our test statistic # this is a test statistic for the sample mean # as an estimator of the true mean (which we set to be 12) test.statistic <- mean(my.sample) /(sd(my.sample)/10) # find the p-value p.value <- 2*(1-pnorm(test.statistic)) p.value