################################################################## ################################################################## # Gov 2001/1002/ Stat E-200 Section 5 # 2-25-15 # Soledad Artiz Prillaman ################################################################## ################################################################## # Clear our workspace rm(list=ls()) ##################################### ### Maximum Likelihood Estimation ### ##################################### ## UNIVARIATE EXAMPLE ## Calculate the maximum likelihood estimator # Model: # y ~ Expo(\lambda_i) # \lambda_i = \lambda # Data: # Y: (1,5,8,2,1) # First, let's create a function for our log-likelihood # This function takes as its inputs # par - the parameter lambda # y - the data ll.expo <- function(lambda, y){ length(y)*log(lambda) - lambda*sum(y) } # Create a vector of our data (5 observations and no covariates) Y <- c(1,5,8,2,1) # Now, let's use optim to find the MLE # Optim takes as its inputs # par - the starting values for all of the parameters # this is where the algorithm starts # if there is only one parameter as in our example, this is single value # if there are multiple parameters, this is a vector with values for each parameter # fn - the function that you want to optimize # y - any inputs the function takes that aren't your parameter # you would specify these by their name in the function # (eg. if we had put data in our function instead of y this would be data = Y) # control = list(fnscale = -1) -- optim automatically searches for a minimum # by specifying to take -1, it tricks it to find the maximum # method - the algorithm you want to choose # other options: CG, L-BFGS-B, SANN, Nelder-Mead # hessian = TRUE -- tells optim to calculate the hessian matrix at the mle estimate opt.expo <- optim(par = 0.01, fn = ll.expo, y = Y, control = list(fnscale = -1), method = "BFGS", hessian = TRUE) opt.expo # If we want to pull out our MLE mle <- opt.expo$par mle # This is the same as 5/17, our analytic MLE # If we want to pull out the matrix of second derivatives evaluated at the MLE hessian <- opt.expo$hessian hessian # This is the same as -289/5, our analytic hessian ##################################### # The CLT and MLE # Let's convince ourselves that as we take many samples of growing size, # the distribution of our MLE estimates approximates a normal distribution # with mean of the true value # We calculated analytically that the MLE is true <- 5/17 # Set our sample size n <- 10 # Draw 1000 samples of size n from the exponential distribution with rate = the truth set.seed(1234) data <- sapply(seq(1,1000),function(x)rexp(n, rate=true)) # Write a function for our log-likelihood - this is the same as the function we wrote before llexp <- function(param, y){sum(dexp(y, rate=param, log=T))} # Create an empty vector to store our estimates of lambda hat out <- NULL # For each of our 1000 samples, calculate the mle and store for(i in 1:1000){ out[i] <- optim(par=c(1), fn=llexp, y=data[,i], method="BFGS", control=list(fnscale=-1))$par } #Look at a histogram of the estimates hist(out, breaks = 30, xlab = expression(lambda), main = expression(paste("Histogram of ", lambda, " for n = 10", sep = "")) ) ## Try this for different values of n and see what happens! ##################################### ## MULTIVARIATE EXAMPLE ## Calculate the maximum likelihood estimator # Model: # y ~ Expo(\lambda_i) # \lambda_i = 1/exp(X_i\beta) # Let's create some fake data set.seed(02139) n <- 1000 # sample whether or not it was a Friday Friday <- sample(c(0,1), n, replace=T) # sample the number of minutes behind schedule minsSch <- rnorm(n, 3, .5) # Create Y using our covariates and what we are "deciding" are the true betas Y <- rexp(n, rate = 1/exp(1.25 - .5*Friday +.2*minsSch)) # Combind all to get data frame data <- as.data.frame(cbind(Y, Friday, minsSch)) # We can look at our data and see that it looks exponential hist(Y, col = "goldenrod", main = "Distribution of y") # Let's create a function for our log-likelihood # This function takes as its inputs # param - the parameters beta0, beta1, and beta2 # y - a vector of the data on wait time # x - a matrix of the covariate data llexp <- function(param, y, x){ rate <- 1/exp(x%*%param) sum(dexp(y, rate=rate, log=T)) } # Alternatively we could write this function like this llexp2 <- function(param, y,x){ cov <- x%*%param sum(-cov - 1/exp(cov)*y) } #Create our matrix of X with an intercept X <- cbind(1, Friday, minsSch) #Specify starting values for all of our parameters param <- c(1,1,1) #Solve using optim out <- optim(param, fn=llexp, y=Y, x=X, method="BFGS", hessian=T, control=list(fnscale=-1)) # Get the MLE out$par ## To get the variance: # Get the Hessian from optim H <- out$hessian # Calculate the observed fisher information I <- -H # Calculate the variance-covariance matrix # The variances of our parameters are in the diagonal # and the covariances are in the off-diagonal V <- solve(I) # Get the standard errors ses <- sqrt(diag(V)) ses ##################################### ####### Likelihood Ratio Test ####### ##################################### # Given the model we used in the multivariate example above # We want to test whether or not including the minutes behind schedule # changes the mle # We can do this using a likelihood ratio test with # Unrestricted model: Wait = \beta_0 + \beta_1*Minutes + \beta_2*Friday # Restricted model: Wait = \beta_0 + \beta2*Friday # Calculate the values of the likelihood at the MLE under the # UNRESTRICTED model unrestricted <- optim(param, fn=llexp, y=Y, x=X, method="BFGS", hessian=T, control=list(fnscale=-1)) # Note that what we care about is the height of the log-likelihood fuction # not the value of the parameter that maximizes the likelihood function unrestricted$value # Calculate the values of the likelihood at the MLE under the # RESTRICTED model restricted <- optim(c(1,1), fn=llexp, y=Y, x=cbind(1, Friday), # We exclude minutes data method="BFGS", hessian=T, control=list(fnscale=-1)) restricted$value # Calculate our test statistic given these values of the log-likelihood # We don't have to take the log because we stored our log-likelihood values r <- 2*(unrestricted$value - restricted$value) r # Calculate the p-value for this test statistic # we have 1 degree of freedom because we have only 1 restriction (we are exluding only one variable) 1-pchisq(r,df=1) # We reject our null hypothesis that minutes didn't matter