Poster Resources

Poster Printing

There are several places to print posters including on-campus resources like Lamont Media Lab and Harvard University Mail Services in addition off-campus stores such as Gnomon Copy and Print and FedEx Office

How to Design A Poster

This page contains a broad variety of templates (via programs like Powerpoint and Illustrator) and advice about how to best construct posters.

Overleaf Poster Templates:

Better Poster LaTeX Template:

How to Prepare a Scientific Poster:

Below are examples of posters produced by other students in the department using LaTeX, as well as a generic template for PowerPoint, and a helpful tutorial on good poster design.

nielsenposter-polmeth2010.tex8 KB
lamb-poster.zip3.83 MB
sen-poster.zip75 KB
blackwell-poster.zip113 KB
poster48x36-generictemplate.pptx53 KB
govposterstutorial.pdf1 MB