Mary Ellen Petersen

Mary Ellen Petersen

Mary Ellen Petersen


Dancer of traditional and alternative tango, Mary Ellen of TimeToTango in Harvard Square teaches and performs, and dances for her own pleasure.  

A dancer most of her life and an early participant in the rebirth of tango in the U.S., Mary Ellen is a regular instructor and performer at New England festivals and local events, teaches ongoing series of private classes through TimeToTango, and has been an instructor for several years for group classes of the Harvard Argentine Tango Society and the Harvard University Latin American Studies Program.  She also is a major sponsor of tango workshops in the Boston area, bringing in acclaimed international maestros.

In addition, she travels for several months each year to Argentina and Europe to continue her own intensive studies with the world's best dancers.  These studies are most particularly directed towards continually expanding the syllabus she offers her students through the TangoTech private class series of TimeToTango.

She welcomes dancers to her New England workshops or Harvard Square classes and milongas.