Natasha Thalluri presents


Thursday, March 28, 2024, 1:30pm to 3:00pm


2 Arrow Street, Room 420

You can find the details of Natasha work below:

Exploring the typology of iconic contributions

In this talk, I present two papers that discuss the gradience in the at-issueness of iconic contributions (Schlenker 2023) and (Steinbach 2023). It has been observed that co-speech gestures are a case of the interplay between speech, which contributes at-issue content, and gesture, which contributes non-at issue content. However, in the case of co-sign gestures, it seems to be the case that iconic content is more at-issue by virtue of being in the same modality. I discuss the case of co-sign gestures with a focus on comparative depiction constructions in ASL, and present preliminary ideas for an experiment to test the inferences in these constructions.