Fee-for-Service Sample Preparation

Each sample MUST be submitted with a submission sheet with all fields filled out. Unless otherwise requested, all samples will be carried out by ESI before other ionization techniques will be performed. Users wishing to submit for MALDI analysis should consult the laboratory personnel before submitting samples. If you have a sensitive compound (air/moisture etc), please consult the laboratory staff to schedule an appointment. Please call us at (617) 384-9585 if you have any questions about the process and we will be happy to help you.

Submission Process

  • First time users should register on-line with our paperless sample submission system.  Then email us after sample has been submitted on line.
  • All samples MUST be labeled and dropped off with the staff.
  • Samples should be submitted and fully-dissolved (in suitable solvents) in chromatography auto-injector vials (available in the stockroom) at an appropriate concentration (10 uM).
  • Partial solubility is not acceptable. Solid sample placed in vials may be submitted ONLY if the sample is not stable in liquid solvents and please identify a solvent that will dissolve your sample completely on the submission sheet.