Rosie Aboody

Dr. Rosie Aboody

Postdoctoral Research Fellow
CoCoDev Lab Post Doc, Dr. Rosie Aboody
Rosie is a postdoctoral fellow with joint appointments at the Harvard Graduate School of Education and the MIT Department of Brain and Cognitive Sciences. She received her B.A. in psychology with highest honors from UC Berkeley where she worked with Profs. Alison Gopnik and Caren Walker, and her Ph.D. in psychology from Yale University in 2022 where she worked with Julian Jara-Ettinger. She is interested in social cognition broadly, but in the bulk of Rosie's work, she studies how children and adults infer what someone knows or believes, simply from observing that person act in the world. For more information and recent publications, see Rosie's personal website. 

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