Lucas Chu

Lucas Chu

Founder of Erevna
Advisor of the Board of Directors at Erevna
Lucas Chu
Lucas is a German-born Taiwanese sophomore studying economics and statistics at Harvard. He's currently taking six courses and working with the Census Bureau, Professor Calder Walton (HKS), the metaLAB @ Harvard, and Opportunity Insights, where he helped write a paper covered on the front page of the New York Times, Washington Post, and NPR. Lucas founded Erevna, growing 10 initiatives to over a dozen organizers and a thousand students reached each. In Erevna, he currently spends the most time on The Pandemic Policython and the Educational Nonprofit Coalition. In his free time, he loves making card games, playing board games, meeting new people, nonprofits, tutoring, 3D printing, and origami.