To deter gerrymandering, many state constitutions require legislative districts to be "compact.'' Yet, the law offers few precise definitions other than "you know it when you see it,'' which effectively implies a common understanding of the concept.

Take a look at the figure below. It's pretty self-evident that Column 1's districts are more compact than Column 2. But what about Columns 3 and 4? The districts in column 4 look a lot more compact than those in column 3 - but three existing compactness algorithms would say otherwise - not just the three listed here, but all of the nearly 100 existing measures.The common-sense evaluation of a trained or lay observer has been challenging to replicate systematically. We hope to correct that, with a statistical method that predicts whether or not a district will look "compact" to a trained or lay observer. Our measure correctly evaluates all the districts in Column 4, and captures the seemingly-ineffable notion of compactness where existing measures fail.

Different districts with different types of compactness

We extended this exercise by surveying judges, academics, MTurkers, and other experts and non-experts to identify compact districts. We compared our measure's outputs to their subjective judgments, and found consistently high correlations - demonstrating that we have succesfully taught our algorithm to know compactness when it sees it.

Figure 6 from compactness paper
  • Our measure is described and supported with evidence in this paper:
    Aaron Kaufman, Gary King, and Mayya Komisarchik. Forthcoming. “How to Measure Legislative District Compactness If You Only Know it When You See It.” American Journal of Political Science. Copy at
  • For any bugs or error reports, please make a report in the Github repo by filling out this form.
  • Discuss the package on Github Discussions here.
  • Code for the measure is available as an R package, here. Install it by typing devtools::install_github("aaronrkaufman/compactness")
  • Replication materials for our paper are found on the Harvard Dataverse.
  • We have an open-source API. If you are interested in implementing our tool on the fly, you can use the following curl command to pass a shapefile to our API:
    curl -X POST --form shp=@[name_of_shapefile.shp] --form shx=@[name_of_shapefile.shx] --form dbf=@[name_of_shapefile.dbf] --form prj=@[name_of_shapefile.prj] --form namecol=["identifier_column_name_in_quotes"] 
  • The measure is included in Dave's Redistricting App.
  • If you produce a redistricting application and would like to include our model, we would love to discuss how to help you with that!