Anatsiisinsski (Chyloe) Healy

Anatsiisinsski (Chyloe) Healy

Blackfoot Confederacy Tribal Council
Scholars Portal
Anatsiisinsski (Chyloe) Healy
Anatsiisinsski (Chyloe Healy) is from Kainai in Southern Alberta. She graduated from
Mount Royal University in 2016 with a Bachelor of Science in General Science with a
minor in Biology. Immediately after graduation, she worked for the Alberta First Nations
Information Governance Centre as a data analyst and research assistant. Through this
work she became very interested in the necessity to provide equity for access to
information within underserved communities. It has become her personal project to
understand how this inequity can be alleviated. Moreover, it has become her passion to
find innovative ways to begin to build information governance capacity for First Nation
communities within Canada and to learn from other Nations, across Canada and
globally, on how to overcome information poverty. Currently, Chyloe’s work with the
Blackfoot Confederacy Tribal Council focuses on developing Blackfoot-defined wellness
indicators and improving data linkage and surveillance for First Nations and the opioids
crisis in Alberta.