


Rowan Flad and Pochan Chen (2013). Ancient Central China: An Archaeological Study of Centers and Peripheries along the Yangzi River. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Rowan Flad (2011). Salt Production and Social Hierarchy in Ancient China: An archaeological investigation of specialization in China’s Three Gorges. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.



Chengdu Pingyuan Guoji Kaogu Diaochadui成都平原国际考古调查队 (In Prep). Chengdu Pingyuan Kaogu Diaocha—2005-2010 nian chengguo 成都平原考古调查  -- 2005-2010年成果 [The Chengdu Plain Archaeological Survey – Results from the 2005-2010 Seasons]. Beijing: Kexue chubanshe.

Anke Hein, Rowan Flad, and Bryan Miller (2023). The Art and Archaeology of Ritual and Economy in East Asia: Essays in Honor of Lothar von Falkenhausen. UCLA: Cotsen Institute Press.

Rowan Flad, editor (2016). Archaeological Research in Asia: Special Issue on Peopling of the Tibetan Plateau.

Liviu Giosan, Dorian Q. Fuller, Kathleen Nicoll, Rowan K. Flad, Peter D. Clift, editors (2012). Climates, Landscapes and Civilizations. AGU Geophysical Monograph Series, Vol. 198. Washington, DC: American Geophysical Union.

Zachary X. Hruby and Rowan K. Flad, editors (2007). Rethinking Craft Specialization in Complex Societies: Archaeological Analyses of the Social Meaning of Production.  Archaeological Papers of the American Anthropological Association, No. 17. Arlington, VA: American Anthropological Association.

Yang Hu, Liu Guoxiang, and Tang Chung, editors (English Language editing by Rowan Flad) (2006). Yuqi qiyuan tansuo – Xinglongwa yuqi yanjiu yu tulu玉器起源探索- 興隆洼玉器研究與圖錄 [The origins of Chinese jade culture – Xinglongwa jades research and catalogue]. Hong Kong: Chinese University of Hong Kong Press.

Rowan Flad. Routledge Press Series on Chinese Archaeology. New York: Routledge Press

  • Wengcheong Lam (2022). Connectivity, Imperialism, and the Han Iron Industry.
  • Cao Qin (2022). Beyond Typology and Ritual: The Multifaceted Roles of Weapons in Late Shang (c.1250-1050 BCE) China.

Erica Brindley and Rowan Flad. Cambridge Elements Series: Ancient East Asia.  Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

  • Mark Edward Lewis (2022). Violence and the Rise of Centralized States in East Asia.
  • Mark Hudson (2022). Bronze Age Maritime and Warrior Dynamics in Island East Asia.



Andrew Womack, Guo Zhiwei, Wang Hui, Zhou Jing, Rowan Flad (2023) From Local to Long-distance: Proto-Silk Road ceramic circulation networks in the Tao River Valley, Gansu, China. Antiquity TBD

Chengrui Zhang, Yongan Wang, Junmin Zhang, William Timothy Treal Taylor, Feng Sun, Zexian Huang, Ruijing Qiu, Furen Hou, Rowan K. Flad, Yue Li  (2023). Elite chariots and early horse transport at the Bronze Age burial site of Shijia. Antiquity: 1-18. (

Rowan Flad and Anke Hein (2023) Introduction. In Ritual and Economy in East Asia: Archaeological Perspectives, edited by Anke Hein, Rowan Flad, and Bryan Miller, pp. 1-11. UCLA: Cotsen Institute Press.

Kate Brunson, Zhipeng Li, Rowan Flad, Hong Qiao, Qianqian Wang (2023) The Zooarchaeology of Oracle Bone Divination in Northwest China. In The Art and Archaeology of Ritual and Economy in East Asia: Essays in Honor of Lothar von Falkenhausen, edited by Anke Hein, Rowan Flad, and Bryan Miller, pp. 147-164. UCLA: Cotsen Institute Press.

Rowan Flad (2023) Long Distance Influences and Local Adoption: Technological Changes in Late Prehistoric Northwest China. In Ritual and Economy in East Asia: Archaeological Perspectives, edited by Anke Hein, Rowan Flad, and Bryan Miller, pp. 197-221. UCLA: Cotsen Institute Press.

Yitzchak Jaffe, Anke Hein, Andrew Womack, Kate Brunson, Jade D’Alpoim Guedes, Rongzhen Zuo, Jing Zhou, Jada Ko, Xiaohong Wu, Hui Wang, Shuicheng Li, Rowan K. Flad (2022). Complex pathways towards emergent pastoral settlements - New research on the bronze age Xindian culture of Northwest China. Journal of World Prehistory 34:595-647 (

Zhai Shaodong 翟少冬, Rowan Flad 付罗文 (2021) Gei shiguang yi shengming, Gei wuiming yi wenming – Beimei Zhongguo kaogu de hou Zhang Guangzhi shidai 给时光以生命 给岁月以文明——北美中国考古学的后张光直时代 (Giving time to life, giving time to civilization – the post K.C. Chang era of Chinese Archaeology in North America). Zhongyuan wenwu 中原文物 [Central Plains Cultural Relics] 2021(6):36-42.

Rowan Flad, Jing Zhou, Andrew Womack, Yitzchak Jaffe, Jada Ko, Pochan Chen, Lingyu Hung, Bingbing Liu, Ruilin Mao, Hui Wang, Shuicheng Li (2021). Preliminary Site Prospection Along the Tao River 2011-2013: Testing the Chinese Register of Archaeological Sites. Bulletin of the Museum of Far Eastern Antiquities 82: 83-134.

Anke Hein, Rowan Flad, Andrew Womack, Cui Jianfeng, Tristam R. Kidder (2021) Forward: Ceramics Research in Northwest China and Beyond. In Pottery Production, Mortuary Practice, and Social Complexity in the Majiayao Culture, NW China (ca. 5300-4000 BP), Pp. xxv-xxix. British Archaeological Reports.

Elizabeth Berger, Katherine Brunson, Brett Kaufman, Gyoung-ah Lee, Xinyi Liu, Pauline Sebillaud, Michael Storozum, Loukas Barton, Jacqueline Eng, Gary Feinman, Rowan Flad, Sandra Garvie-Lock, Michelle Hrivnyak, Brian Lander, Deborah Merrett, Ye Wa (2021). Human Adaptation to Holocene Environments: Perspectives and Promise from China. Journal of Anthropological Archaeology 63: 101326 (  

Yitzchak Jaffe, Karin Taché, Rowan K. Flad, Zhou Jing, Wang Hui, Chengrui Zhang, Oliver E. Craig, Alexandre Lucquin, Manon Bondetti, Shinya Shoda  (2021). What do “Barbarians” Eat? Integrating ceramic usewear and residue analysis in the study of food and society at the margins of Bronze Age China. PLoS One 16(4): e0250819 (

Yue Li, Chengrui Zhang, William Taylor, Liang Chen, Rowan K. Flad, Nicole Boivin, Huan Liu, Yue You, Jianxin Wang, Meng Ren, Tongyuan Xi, Yifu Han, Rui Wen, Jian Ma (2021). Reply to Shelach-Lavi et al.: Cavalry and the Great Walls of China and Mongolia. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 118(16): e2025947118 (

Andrew Womack, Rowan Flad, Jing Zhou, Katherine Brunson, Anke Hein, Fabian Toro, Xin Su, Jade d’Alpoim Guedes, Guiyun Jin, Xiaohong Wu, Hui Wang (2021). The Majiayao to Qijia Transition: Exploring the intersection of technological and social continuity and change. Asian Archaeology n.s., 4: 95-120. (

Yue Li, Chengrui Zhang, William Taylor, Liang Chen, Rowan K. Flad, Nicole Boivin, Huan Liu, Yue You, Jianxin Wang, Meng Ren, Tongyuan Xi, Yifu Han, Rui Wen, Jian Ma (2020) Early evidence for mounted horseback riding in northwest China. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 202004360 (https://doi:10.1073/pnas.2004360117).

Le-Le Ren, Guanghui Dong, Feng-Wen Liu, Jade d'Alpoim-Guedes, Rowan K. Flad, Min-Min Ma, Haiming Li, Yi-Shi Yang, Yu-Jia Liu, Dongju Zhang, Guo-Lin Li, Ji-Yuan Li, Fahu Chen (2020) Archaeobotanical and zooarchaeological evidence of trade and exchange between foragers and farmers on the Tibetan Plateau. Antiquity 94(375):637-652 (https://doi:10.15184/aqy.2020.35).

Kate Brunson, Ren Lele, Zhou Jing, Zhao Xin, Wang Hui, Rowan Flad (2020) Zooarchaeology, Ancient mtDNA, and Radiocarbon Dating Provide New Evidence for the Emergence of Domestic Cattle and Caprines in the Tao River Valley of Gansu Province, Northwest China. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 31: 102262 (

Womack, Andrew, Timothy Horsley, Hui Wang, Jing Zhou and Rowan Flad (2019). Assessing Site Organization and Development Using Geophysical Prospection at Dayatou, Gansu, China. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 27: 101964 (

Hung Lingyu 洪玲玉, Wu Haosen 伍浩森, Ha Ke 哈克, Zhou Jing 周静, Wang Hui 王辉, Chen Bozhen 陈伯桢, Li Shuicheng 李水城, Fu Luowen 傅罗文 (2019) Qijiaping: Qijia wenhua dianxing yizhi yanjiu de xin jinzhan 齐家坪:齐家文化典型遗址研究的新进展 (Qijiaping: Recent developments in the investigation of the type site of the Qijia culture). Kaogu yu wenwu 考古与文物 [Archaeology and Cultural Relics] 2019(3): 63-74.

Womack, Andrew, Hui Wang, Jing Zhou and Rowan Flad (2019). Continuity and Change: A Petrographic Analysis of Clay Recipes in late Neolithic Northwestern China. Antiquity 93(371):1161-1177. (http://doi:10.15184/aqy.2019.132)

Yitzchak Jaffe and Rowan Flad. (2018) Prehistoric globalizing processes in the Tao River Valley, Gansu, China? In Ancient Globalizations and people ‘without’ history, edited by Nicole Boivin and Michael Frachetti, pp. 131-161. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Shuicheng Li and Rowan K. Flad (2018). Archaeology of Salt in China. Encyclopedia of Global Archaeology. Edited by C. Smith, pp. 1-11. Cham, Springer International Publishing.

Rowan Flad (2018) Urbanism as Technology in Ancient China. Archaeological Research in Asia 14:121-134.  (

LeLe Ren, GuangHui Dong, HaiMing Li, Dave Rhode, Rowan K. Flad, GuoQiang Li, Ying Yang, ZhongXin Wang, LinHai Cai, XiaoYan Ren, Dongju Zhang, FaHu Chen (2017) Dating Human Settlement in the East-Central Tibetan Plateau During the Late Holocene. Radiocarbon 60(1): 137-150 (http://doi:10.1017/RDC.2017.117).

Andrew Womack, Yitzchak Jaffe, Lingyu Hung, Zhou Jing, Wang Hui, Li Shuicheng, Pochan Chen, Rowan Flad (2017) Mapping Qijiaping: New work on the type site of the Qijia Culture. Journal of Field Archaeology 42(6):488-502.  (

Jianping Zhang, Houyuan Lu, Peter Weiming Jia, Rowan Flad, Naiqin Wu, and Alison Betts (2017) Cultivation strategies at the ancient Luanzaganzi settlement on the easternmost Eurasian steppe during the Late Bronze Age. Vegetation History and Archaeobotany 26(5): 505-512.  (http://doi:10.1007/s00334-017-0608-0).

Jianping Zhang, Houyuan Lu, Guoping Sun, Rowan Flad, Naiqin Wu, Xiujia Huan, Keyang He, and Yonglei Wang (2016) Phytoliths reveal the earliest fine reedy textile in China at the Tianluoshan site. Nature: Scientific Reports 6: 18664.

Chengdu Pingyuan Guoji Kaogu Diaochadui 成都平原国际考古调查队 [Rowan Flad, Tim Horsley, Jade d’Alpoim Guedes, He Kunyu, Gwen Bennett, Pochan Chen, Li Shuicheng, Jiang Zhanghua, Jiang Ming] (2015). Songjiaheba: Chengdu Pingyuan Qingtong shidai xiaoxing juluo de tianye diaocha, fajue ji diquiwuli kantan 宋家河坝:成都平原青铜时代小型聚落的田野调查,发掘及地球物理勘探 (Songjiaheba: The survey, excavation and archaeological geophysics at a small-scale Bronze Age settlement in the Chengdu Plain). Nanfang minzu kaogu 南方民族考古 [Southern ethnoarchaeology] 11: 231-246.

Rowan Flad, Timothy Horsley, Jade D’alpoim Guedes, He Kunyu, Gwen Bennett, Li Shuicheng and Jiang Zhanghua (2014). Survey, Excavation and Geophysics at Songjiaheba – A Small Bronze Age Site in the Chengdu Plain. Asian Perspectives 52(1):119-142.

Danielle, Raad, Li Shuicheng, Rowan K. Flad (2014) Testing a novel method to identify salt production pottery via release and detection of chloride ions. Journal of Archaeological Science 43: 186-191.

Rowan Flad (2013). Animal Exploitation at Zhongba during the Neolithic and Bronze Ages. In Salt Archaeology in China: Ancient Salt Production and Landscape Archaeology in the Upper Yangzi Basin: Studies of Zhongba, Vol. 3, ed. by Li Shuicheng and Lothar von Falkenhausen, pp. 254-293. Beijing: Kexue Chubanshe.

Rowan Flad (2013). The Oracle Bones of Zhongba: Divination at an Early Salt Production Site. In Salt Archaeology in China: Ancient Salt Production and Landscape Archaeology in the Upper Yangzi Basin: Studies of Zhongba, Vol. 3, ed. by Li Shuicheng and Lothar von Falkenhausen, pp. 294-337. Beijing: Kexue Chubanshe.

Zhao Zhijun and Rowan Flad (2013). Report on the Floatation Results from the Zhongba Site in Chongqing. In Salt Archaeology in China: Ancient Salt Production and Landscape Archaeology in the Upper Yangzi Basin: Preliminary Studies, Vol. 3, ed. by Li Shuicheng and Lothar von Falkenhausen, pp. 394-419. Beijing: Kexue Chubanshe.

Rowan Flad (2013). The Sichuan Basin. In A Companion to Chinese Archaeology, ed. by Anne Underhill, pp. 125-146. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell.

D'Alpoim Guedes, Jade, David Carrasco, Rowan Flad, Ethan Fosse, Michael Herzfeld, C. C. Lamberg-Karlovsky, Cecil M. Lewis, Matthew Liebmann, Richard Meadow, Nick Patterson, Max Price, Meredith Reiches, Sarah Richardson, Heather Shattuck-Heidorn,  Jason Ur, Gary Urton, Christina Warinner (2013). Is Poverty in our Genes? : A Reply to Ashraf and Galor. Current Anthropology 54(1):71-79.

Rowan Flad (2012). Bronze, Jade, Gold, and Ivory: Valuable Objects in Ancient Sichuan. In The Construction of Value in the Ancient World, ed. by John Papadopoulos and Gary Urton, pp. 258-287. Los Angeles: Cotsen Institute of Archaeology.

Tian Xiaosi, Zhu Cheng, Sun Zhibin, Shui Tao, Huang Yunping, Rowan K. Flad, Li Yumei (2011). Carbon and nitrogen stable isotope analyses of mammal bone fossils from the Zhongba site in the Three Gorges Reservoir region of the Yangtze River, China. Chinese Science Bulletin 56(2): 169-178.

Clift, Peter D., Rowan Flad, Dorian Q. Fuller, and Liviu Giosan (2011). Studying the Relationship Between Past People and Their Environments: AGU Chapman Conference on Climates, Past Landscapes, and Civilizations; Santa Fe, New Mexico, 21–25 March 2011. EOS 92(24): 205.

Rowan Flad (2010). Zhuanye hua shengchan: Ruogan jiben wenti yi ji Zhongba zhiyan de luntan 专业化生产:若干基本问题以及中坝制盐的讨论 (Specialization and Production: General Issues and a Discussion of Salt Manufacture at Zhongba). Nanfang minzu kaogu 南方民族考古 [Southern ethnoarchaeology] 6:11-40.

Rowan Flad, Li Shuicheng, Wu Xiaohong, and Zhao Zhijun (2010). Early wheat at Donghuishan. Results from new studies in the Hexi Corridor. The Holocene 20(6):955-965.

Chengdu Pingyuan Guoji Kaogu Diaochadui 成都平原国际考古调查队 [傅罗文 (Rowan K. Flad); 江章华; 关玉琳 (Gwen Bennett; 提莫西‧郝思利(Tim Horsley); 陈伯桢; 贾什‧莱特 (Josh Wright)] (2010). Chengdu pingyuan quyu kaogu diaocha (2005-2007) 成都平原区域考古调查 (2005-2007) (2005-2007 archaeological survey in the Chengdu Plain). Nanfang minzu kaogu 南方民族考古 [Southern ethnoarchaeology] 6: 255-278.

Rowan Flad 傅羅文, Yuan Jing 袁靖 and Li Shuicheng 李水城 (2009).   Zhongguo xibei diqu zuizao dongwu xunhua de dongwu kaoguxue ziliao 中國西北地區最早動物馴化的動物考古學資料 (Zooarchaeological Evidence for the earliest Animal Domestication in Northwest China).  Kaogu 考古 [Archaeology] 2009(5): 80-86.

Rowan Flad, Wu Xiaohong, Lothar von Falkenhausen, Li Shuicheng, Sun Zhibin and Pochan Chen (2009). Radiocarbon Dates and Technological Change in Salt Production at the Site of Zhongba in the Three Gorges, China.  Asian Perspectives 48(1): 148-180.

Rowan Flad (2008). Divination and Power: A Multi-regional View of the Development of Oracle Bone Divination in Early China.  Current Anthropology 49(3): 403-437.

Rowan Flad (2008). Zhenren: Guanyu zao qi Zhongguo shi zhuo zhanbu qiyuan yu fazhan de yixie sikao 贞人:关于早期中国施灼占卜起源与发展的一些思考 (Divine Specialists: Some Thoughts on the Origins and Development of Pyromantic Divination in Early China).  In Proceedings of the Workshop on Early Chinese Civilization, edited by Jing Zhichun and Ken-ichi Takashima, pp. 85-113. Beijing: Kexue chubanshe.

Yuan Jing, Rowan Flad, and Luo Yunbing (2008). Meat Acquisition Patterns in the Neolithic Yangzi River Valley, China.  Antiquity 82: 351-366.

Zhu Cheng, Ma Chunmei, Ouyang Jie, Li Zhongxuan, Yin Qian, Sun Zhibin, Huang Yunping, Rowan K. Flad, Li Lan, and Li Yumei (2008). Animal Diversities and characteristics of environmental change revealed by skeletons unearthed at Zhongba site of Chongqing City, China. Chinese Science Bulletin 53, Supp. 1: 74-86.

Rowan Flad (2007). Rethinking Specialization in the Context of Salt Production in Prehistoric Sichuan.   In Rethinking “Specialized” Production: Archaeological Analyses of the Social Meaning of Manufacture. Archaeological Papers of the American Anthropological Association, No. 17, edited by Zachary X. Hruby and Rowan K. Flad, pp. 107-128. Berkeley: University of California Press.

Rowan Flad, Yuan Jing and Li Shuicheng (2007). Zooarchaeological Evidence for Animal Domestication in Northwest China.  In Late Quaternary Climate Change and Human Adaptation in Arid China, edited by David B. Madsen, Chen FaHu and Gao Xing, pp. 163-199. Developments in Quaternary Science, Vol. 9. Amsterdam: Elsevier Press.

Rowan Flad and Zachary X. Hruby (2007). "Specialized" Production in Archaeological Contexts: Rethinking Specialization, the Social Value of Products, and the Practice of Production.  In Rethinking “Specialized” Production: Archaeological Analyses of the Social Meaning of Manufacture. Archaeological Papers of the American Anthropological Association, No. 17, edited by Zachary X. Hruby and Rowan K. Flad, pp. 1-19. Berkeley: University of California Press.

Wu Xiaohong 吴小红, Rowan Flad 付罗文, Li Shuicheng 李水城, Lothar von Falkenhausen 罗泰, Sun Zhibin  孙志彬, Chen Pochan 陈伯桢 (2007). Chongqing Zhong Xian Zhongba yizhi de tanshisi niandai 重庆中县中坝遗址的碳十四年代 (Preliminary Report on the Radiocarbon dates from the site of Zhongba). Kaogu考古 2007(7): 656-667.

Zachary X. Hruby, Rowan K Flad, John E. Clark, Takeshi Inomata, and Heather M.-L. Miller (2007). On “Rethinking” Craft Specialization: Responses by the Authors.  In Rethinking “Specialized” Production: Archaeological Analyses of the Social Meaning of Manufacture. Archaeological Papers of the American Anthropological Association, No. 17, edited by Zachary X. Hruby and Rowan K. Flad, pp. 181-192. Berkeley: University of California Press.

Rowan Flad 傅羅文 and Yuan Jing 袁靖 (2006). Sanxia diqu Zhongba yizhi dongwu kaoguxue de chubu yanjiu 三峽地區中壩遺址動物考古學的初步研究 (Preliminary research on the Zooarchaeology of the site of Zhongba in the Three Gorges). Kaogu 考古(Archaeology) 2006 (1): 79-88.

Rowan Flad, Jiping Zhu, Changsui Wang, Pochan Chen, Lothar von Falkenhausen, Zhibin Sun, Shuicheng Li (2006).  Zhongguo zaoqi yanye shengchan de kaogu he huaxue zhengju 中國早期鹽業生產的考古和化學證據 (Archaeological and Chemical evidence for early salt production in China). In  Kaogu fajue yu lishi fuyuan 考古發掘與歷史復原 [Recovering archaeological excavation and history], edited by Chen Xingcan and Michela Bussotti. Faguo Hanxue 法國漢學 [French Sinology]  11: 23-35.

Rowan Flad and Pochan Chen (2006). The Archaeology of the Sichuan Basin and Surrounding Areas during the Neolithic Period. In Salt Archaeology in China: Ancient Salt Production and Landscape Archaeology in the Upper Yangzi Basin: Preliminary Studies, Vol. 1, ed. by Li Shuicheng and Lothar von Falkenhausen, pp. 183-259. Beijing: Kexue Chubanshe.

Yuan Jing and Rowan Flad (2006). Research on Early Horse Domestication in China.  In Equids in Time and Space, ed. by Marjan Mashkour, pp. 124-131. Oxford: Oxbow.

Department of Archaeology, Peking University; Institute of Archaeology, UCLA; Chengdu Municipal Institute of Archaeology; Department of Anthropology, University of Alabama (2006). Report on the Preliminary Field Season in 1999. In Salt Archaeology in China: Ancient Salt Production and Landscape Archaeology in the Upper Yangzi Basin: Preliminary Studies, Vol. 1, ed. by Li Shuicheng and Lothar von Falkenhausen, pp. 31-113. Beijing: Kexue Chubanshe.

Rowan Flad (2005). Zooarchaeology at Zhongba – Evaluating Fish and Meat-Salting in the Prehistoric Three Gorges, China.  Journal of Field Archaeology 30 (3): 231-253.

Rowan Flad, Jiping Zhu, Changsui Wang, Pochan Chen, Lothar von Falkenhausen, Zhibin Sun, Shuicheng Li (2005). Archaeological and Chemical Evidence for Early Salt Production in China. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 102 (35): 12618-12622. (August 30, 2005).

Yuan Jing and Rowan Flad (2005). New Zooarchaeological Evidence for Changes in Shang Dynasty Animal Sacrifice. Journal of Anthropological Archaeology 24 (3): 252-270. (May 13, 2005).

Rowan Flad (2003). Xin Jiniya, Eganda ji Xi Luoma diguo de yanye shengchan, jiaohuan ji xiaofei – Chongqing diqu xian Qin shiqi yanye shengchan de bijiao yanjiu 新幾內亞、 烏干達及西羅馬帝國的 鹽業生產、交換及消費— 重慶地區先秦時期鹽業生產的比較研究 (Salt Production, Exchange, and Consumption in New Guinea, Uganda, and the Western Roman Empire – Comparative Examples for Contemplating Pre-Qin Salt Production in Chongqing). Yanyeshi yanjiu 鹽業史研究  (Research on Salt Production History) 2003 (1): 95-104.

Yuan Jing and Rowan Flad (2003). Two Issues Concerning Ancient Domesticated Horses in China. Bulletin of the Museum of Far Eastern Antiquities 75: 111-127.

Yuan Jing and Rowan Flad (2002). Pig Domestication in Ancient China. Antiquity 76 (293): 724-73

Rowan Flad (2001). Ritual or Structure? Analysis of Burial Elaboration at Dadianzi, Inner Mongolia. Journal of East Asian Archaeology 3 (3-4): 23-52.



Rowan Flad, C.C. Lamberg-Karlovsky, Richard Meadow, David Pilbeam, Daniel E. Lieberman (Chair) (2022) Ofer Bar-Yosef Memorial Minute (

Rowan Flad (2022) Comment on Jaffe et al. “Shimao and the Rise of States in China: Archaeology, Historiography and Myth” Current Anthropology 63(1): 105-106. (

Rowan Flad 傅罗文 (2022) Qianyan 前言 [Introduction]. Kaoguxue: Shijian he Nengdongxing lilun 考古学:实践和能动性理论 [Archaeology: Theory of Practice and Agency], edited by Cao Bin 曹斌 and Wengcheong Lam 林永昌, pp. 1-16. Shanghai: Shanghai Ancient Books Publishing House 上海古籍出版社.

Jade d’Alpoim Guedes, Anke Hein, Lin Yi-ling, Jiang Zhanghua, Rowan Flad, Lin Kueichen (2022) HE Kunyu 何锟宇 (1980-2021) Society for East Asian Archaeology Website (

Rowan Flad (2021) It’s a Golden Age for Chinese Archaeology – And the West is Ignoring it Washington Post (May 11, 2021; Reposted and in Print, Sunday, May 23, 2021).

Rowan Flad (2021) Review of Civilisation Recast: Theoretical and Historical Perspectives. STEPHAN FEUCHTWANG and MICHAEL ROWLANDS. 2019. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. vi + 218 pp. $99.99 (cloth), ISBN 978-1-108-48434-3. American Antiquity 86(2):1-2. (

Rowan Flad (2020) Chair’s Letter. Department of Anthropology Harvard University Semester Report Academic Year 2019-2020 Spring 2020: 4-9.

Rowan Flad, Bryan Miller, Anke Hein (2019) Five Cycles of Lothar: Generations gather to honor the sixtieth birthday of Lothar von Falkenhausen. Backdirt: Annual Review of the Cotsen Institute of Archaeology 2019: 116-120.

Rowan Flad 傅罗文 (2019) Sichouzhilu cong nali lai?  絲綢之路從哪裏來? (Where did the Silk Road come from?) Zhongguo 36 wen 中国36 [Thirty-six Questions on China], edited by Jennifer Rudolph 陸德芙and Michael Szonyi 宋怡明, Pp. 237-243. Hong Kong: City University of Hong Kong Press.

Fu Luowen 傅罗文 [Rowan Flad] (2018) Zaoqi sichouzhilu de jishu biange—Gansu Taohe liuyu de kaogu chengguo 早期丝绸之路上的技术变革——甘肃洮河流域的考古成果 (Technological change on the Proto-Silk Road: Archaeological results from the Tao River in Gansu). Zhongguo keji kaogu zonglun 中国科技考古纵论 [Discussion of the Archaeological Sciences in China]

Rowan Flad (2017) A message from the Chair. In Situ: News and events in the Harvard Standing Committee on Archaeology Spring 2018:11.

Rowan Flad (2018) Forward: In Memory of Pochan Chen. Memory and Agency in Ancient China: Shaping the Life History of Objects. Edited by Francis Allard, Yan Sun, Kathryn Linduff, Pp. xvii-xx. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Rowan Flad (2017) A message from the Chair. In Situ: News and events in the Harvard Standing Committee on Archaeology Fall 2017: 5.

Rowan Flad (2017) Centers and Peripheries in Ancient China. Landscape: NTU Research and Development 3: 25-26.

Rowan Flad (2017) Where did the Silk Road come from? The China Questions 哈佛论中国, edited by Michael Szonyi and Jennifer Rudolph, Pp. 237-243. Cambridge: Harvard University Press.

Rowan Flad (2017) A message from the Chair. In Situ: News and events in the Harvard Standing Committee on Archaeology Spring 2017: 1-2.

Rowan Flad (2017) Notes from the Field: Archaeology in NW China. Harvard Magazine

Rowan Flad (2016) A message from the Chair. In Situ: News and events in the Harvard Standing Committee on Archaeology Fall 2016: 5-6.

Rowan Flad (2016) A message from the Chair. In Situ: News and events in the Harvard Standing Committee on Archaeology Spring 2016: 2-3.

Rowan Flad (2016) Obituary: Pochan Chen 陳伯楨 October 29, 1973 – June 28, 2015. Asian Perspectives 55(1):120-126. 

Brunson, Katherine, Li, Zhipeng, & Flad, Rowan K. (2016) "Oracle Bones in East Asia.” Katherine Brunson, Zhipeng Li, Rowan Flad (Eds.). Released:2016-04-04. Open Context. <> DOI:

Fu Luowen 傅罗文 [Rowan Flad] (2016) Cong xifang dao dongfang: Haiyang haoku de yici  penjian 从西方到东方:海洋考古的一次碰见 (From West to East: An unexpected encounter with Maritime Archaeology). Nanfang wenwu 南方文物 [Cultural Relics of the South] 2016(3):199-200.

Rowan Flad (2016) Forward. Early Navigation in the Asia-Pacific Region: A Maritime Archaeological Perspective,  edited by Chunming Wu, Pp. v-ix. Springer Press.

Rowan Flad  (2016) Recent Research on the Archaeology of the Tibetan Plateau and Surrounding Areas. Archaeological Research in Asia 5:1-3.

Rowan Flad (2015) Salt. In The Archaeology of Food: An Encyclopedia, edited by Mary Beaudry and Karen Metheny, pp. 447-448. Alta Mira Press.

Rowan Flad (2015). Jiuquan Sanbadongzi yizhi chutu dongqu guge fenxi yanjiu  酒泉三坝洞子遗址出土动物骨骼分析研究 (Analysis of animal bones excavated at the site of Sanbadongzi in Jiuquan). In Ganguya mudi 干骨崖墓地 [The Ganguya Cemetery], by Li Shuicheng, pp. 71-75. Beijing: Kexue chubanshe.

Rowan Flad (2013). Review of Prehistoric Societies on the Northern Frontiers of China: Archaeological Perspectives on Identity Formation and Economic Change during the First Millennium BCE, by Gideon Shelach. Asian Perspectives 51(1):134-138.

Chengdu Pingyuan Guoji Kaogu Diaochadui 成都平原国际考古调查队 (2012). Songjiaheba – Chengdu Pingyuan qingtong shidai xiaoxing juluo de tianye diaocha, fajue ji diqiu wuli kantan 宋家河坝──成都平原青铜时代小型聚落的田野调查,发掘及地球物理勘探 (Songjiaheba -  Survey, geophyiscs and excavation at a small-scale Bronze Age settlement in the Chengdu Plain). Chengdu wenwu 成都文物 [Cultural relics of Chengdu] 2012(1)

D’Alpoim Guedes, J., Reich, D., Herzfeld, M., Patterson, N., Bestor, T., Lieberman, D., Comaross, J., Flad, R., Carrasco, D., Shattuck-Heidorn, H., Lamberg-Karlovsky, K., Comaroff, J., Meadow, R., Liebmann, M., Urton, G., Pilbeam, D., Kleinman, A., Good, B. (2012). Response to Ashraf and Galor ‘The Out of Africa Hypothesis, Human Genetic Diversity and Comparative Economic Development’ (October 1, 2012). Available at SSRN: or

Liviu Giosan, Dorian Q. Fuller, Kathleen Nicoll, Rowan K. Flad, Peter D. Clift (2012). Preface. In Climates, Landscapes and Civilizations, edited by Liviu Giosan, Dorian Q. Fuller, Kathleen Nicoll, Rowan K. Flad, Peter D. Clift, pp. vii-ix. Washington, DC: American Geophysical Union.

Rowan Flad (2010). Archaeology in China’s Three Gorges. In World Prehistory and Archaeology: Pathways through time, by Michael Chazan, pp. 326-327. Boston: Pearson Education, Inc.

Rowan Flad (2009). Comment on Rod Campbell’s “Networks and Boundaries Approach to Early Complex Polities: the Late Shang Case." Current Anthropology 50(6):840-841.

Rowan Flad (2009). Archaeology in Central and Southwest China: Travels in Guizhou. Symbols Spring, 2009:16-20.

Horsley, T.J., Flad, R.K., Bennett, G.P., Li, S., Jiang, Zh. and Chen, P. (2009). Investigating ancient landscapes and settlement patterns in the Chengdu Plain, Sichuan, China. Extended abstract in ArcheoSciences, revue d’archéométrie, supplément 33: 187-190.

Rowan Flad (2008). New Research Exploring the Origins of Sanxingdui. Backdirt: Annual Review of the Cotsen Institute of Archaeology 2008: 30-31.

Rowan Flad (2007). Review: Excavating Asian History: Interdisciplinary Studies in Archaeology and History, edited by Norman Yoffee and Bradley L. Crowell. Journal of Asian Studies 66(4): 1105-1107.

Rowan Flad (2007). Xinglongwa Jades and the Genesis of Value in Northeast China. In Yuqi qiyuan tansuo – Xinglongwa yuqi yanjiu yu tulu 玉器起源探索- 興隆洼玉器研究與圖錄 [The origins of Chinese jade culture –Xinglongwa jades research and catalogue], edited by Deng Cong and Liu Guoxiang, pp. 224-234. Hong Kong: Chinese University of Hong Kong Press.

Li Shuicheng and Rowan Flad (2007). Zhongguo de yanye kaogu ji qi qianli 中國的鹽業考古及其潛力 (Salt archaeology and its potential in China). In Shijie wenhua de dongya 世界文化的東亞視角 [East Asia’s View on World Culture], pp. 393-403. Beijing: Peking University Press.

Rowan Flad (2006). Review: Archaeology of Asia, edited by Miriam Stark. American Anthropologist 108 (4): 923-924.

Tom Wake and Rowan Flad (1999). Identification and Analysis of Vertebrate Faunal Remains from CA-RIV-1974, Riverside Co., California.  Report Submitted to CRM Associates, Riverside, CA.



Jess Beck, Rowan Flad, Bridget Alex, Ari Caramanica, Andre Costopoulos, Nicholas C. Kawa, Ben Marwick, Christina Warinner, Dana Bardolph, Lewis Borck, Kristina Douglass, Alan Farahani, Mackinley Fitzpatrick, Lars Fogelin, Laura E. Heath-Stout, Scott Hutson, Matthew Magnani, Natalia Magnani, Ana Cecilia Mauricio, Lisa Overholtzer, Matthaus Rest, Daniel Scott Souleles, Renata Verdun da Silva Carmo  (n.d.). Changing the Landscape of Archaeological Publishing. (Subitted to Current Anthropology)

Rowan Flad (n.d.). Animals as Sources of Social Power in Second Millennium Archaeological Contexts in China. In UMMAA at 100, edited by Rob Beck, Alicia Ventresca-Miller. Pp. TBD. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press.  

Rowan Flad (n.d.) Salt Technology in Ancient China: Transitions and Continuities. In XXXV Coloquio de Antropología e Historia Regionales “El Pasado Tecnológico: Cambio y Persistencia, edited by ¿?, pp. TBD.  

X. X. Zhang, X.T. Wu, Z.Y. Jin, R.K.Flad, Q.Q. Lv, X.M. Xue, A.C. Fan, J. Burton, F. Huang, L.Y. Yan (n.d.) Human Sacrifice, Salt Resources, and the Emergence of Complex Societies in North China: Isotopic Studies of Population Movement at Qingliangsi. (In Preparation for TBD)



Rowan Flad (2004). Specialized Salt Production and Changing Social Structure at the Prehistoric Site of Zhongba in the Eastern Sichuan Basin, China. Ph.D. Dissertation, University of California, Los Angeles - Interdisciplinary Program in Archaeology.

Rowan Flad (1998). Honoring the Dead or the Living? Burial Practices and the use of AnimalRemains at the Cemetery Site of Dadianzi, Inner Mongolia, China.  M.A. Thesis, University of California, Los Angeles - Interdisciplinary Program in Archaeology.

Rowan Flad (1994). American Sports Fans have a Strange Way of Celebrating: The search for the underlying logic of celebratory sports riots in the United States. A.B. Honors Thesis, University of Chicago – Department of Anthropology. (Advisor: John MacAloon)



Fu Yongxu 付永旭 (2020). Discussing Cupstones of the South China Region. Chinese Archaeology 20: TBD.

Zhang Guoshuo 张国硕 and He Jun 贺俊 (2019). A study of cinnabar-bottomed burials of the Early Bronze Age. Chinese Archaeology 19: TBD.

Hubei Provincial Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology, Peking University Department of Archaeology and Museology, Tianmen City Museum (2018). The 2014-2016 survey and excavation of the Shijiahe site in Tianmen, Hubei. Chinese Archaeology 18: 13-27.

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Shandong Provincial Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology, Peking University Center for Chinese Archaeology, Shouguang City Cultural Bureau, Shandong Province (2011). The salt production sites at Shuangwangcheng in Shouguang City, Shandong. Chinese Archaeology11:84-91.

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Qian Yaopeng, Zhu Yunyun, Mao Ruilin, Xie Yan (2010). A brief discussion on joint burial in Mogou Cemeter of the Qijia culture. Chinese Archaeology 10:158-163.

Wang Jianhua (2010). A study into the gender composition of the population in the prehistoric Middle and Lower reaches of the Yellow River valley. Chinese Archaeology 10:143-152.

Qian Yaopeng (2009). On the Traces of Disasters and the Building near the Square in the Lajia Settlement. Chinese Archaeology 9:164-169.

Yuan Jing (2008). The origins and development of animal domestication in China. Chinese Archaeology 8:1-7.

Wang Jianhua (2008). Research on the prehistoric population age structure in the Middle and Lower reaches of the Yellow River valley. Chinese Archaeology 8:163-167.

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Chengdu City Institute of Archaeology and Cultural Relics (2006). Preliminary Report on the Archaeological Investigations at an Ancient Salt Production Site in Pujiang County, Chengdu City. In Salt Archaeology in China: Ancient Salt Production and Landscape Archaeology in the Upper Yangzi Basin: Preliminary Studies, Vol. 1, ed. by Li Shuicheng and Lothar von Falkenhausen, pp. 127-145. Beijing: Kexue Chubanshe.

Li Xiaobo (2006). Study Report on the Ancient Salt Well in Yushan Township, Pengshui County, Chongqing. In Salt Archaeology in China: Ancient Salt Production and Landscape Archaeology in the Upper Yangzi Basin: Preliminary Studies, Vol. 1, ed. by Li Shuicheng and Lothar von Falkenhausen, pp. 115-125. Beijing: Kexue Chubanshe.

Li Xiaobo (2006). The Geological Foundation for the Development of Ancient Sichuan Salt Production. In Salt Archaeology in China: Ancient Salt Production and Landscape Archaeology in the Upper Yangzi Basin: Preliminary Studies, Vol. 1, ed. by Li Shuicheng and Lothar von Falkenhausen, pp. 163-181. Beijing: Kexue Chubanshe.

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