Lean UX Design and build successful products with cross-functional teams


Wednesday, November 16, 2016, 9:00am to 5:00pm


O’Reilly’s Boston Training Center, 2 Avenue de Lafayette, 6th floor, Boston, MA 02111

Jeff Gothelf leads this one-day workshop on Lean UX, a methodology that enables you to rapidly experiment with design ideas, validate them with real users, and continually adjust designs based on what is learned. It’s a process that combines Lean and Agile techniques and drives design in short, iterative cycles to assess what works best for the business and the user.

Through a combination of lecture, hands-on exercises, and Q&A, Jeff—who literally wrote the book on the subject—will guide you through this research-based, customer-centric process so that you can deliver the best product to your users. You’ll learn how successful product teams practice effective discovery methods that can simultaneously feed product delivery efforts. You’ll also learn to build and lead teams that bring product design, user experience, engineering, product management, and organizational leadership together in a customer-centric effort to build the right product and to build the product right.

Learn more and register