
User Experience: Designing for the User Journey, at 7th Annual IT Summit, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, Thursday, June 8, 2017:

This presentation was given at the Harvard IT Summit on June 8, 2017. It was divided into 3 parts: Defining User Experience at Harvard, presented by Dorian Freeman; User Experience Principles, presented by Mike Lawrence; Learning About User Journeys, presented by Vittorio Bucchieri.... Read more about User Experience: Designing for the User Journey

Using Personas to Create Awesome Experiences, at 7th Annual IT Summit, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, Thursday, June 8, 2017:

This presentation was given at the Harvard IT Summit on June 8, 2017, and was presented by Donna Megquier and Maureen (Mo) Barlow.

Using Personas to Create Awesome Products Experiences

Here are the main points at a high level. Check out the presentation for the details, and the worksheets we used in the session.... Read more about Using Personas to Create Awesome Experiences