Rachel Sieder

Rachel Sieder

Senior Research Professor CIESAS, Mexico City
Associate Researcher, Chr. Michelsen Institute, Bergen, Norway
Rachel Sieder

Rachel Sieder has held the post of Senior Research Professor CIESAS in Mexico City since 2007. She is associate researcher at the Chr. Michelsen Institute in Bergen, Norway, the Institute of the Americas, UCL, and the Institute for the Study of the Americas, University of London. Her research interests include: human rightsindigenous rightssocial movementsindigenous law,,legal anthropologythe state and violence.

Amongst her most recent books are: ed. Demanding Justice and Security: Indigenous Women and Legal Pluralities in Latin America (forthcoming); ed. with María Teresa Sierra and Rosalva Aída Hernández, Justicias Indígenas y Estado: Violencias Contemporáneas, FLACSO/CIESAS, México (2013); ed. with John-Andrew McNeish, Gender Justice and Legal Pluralities: Latin American and African Perspectives, Routledge-Cavendish (2012); with Carlos Y. Flores, Dos Justicias: Coordinación interlegal e intercultural en Guatemala,  Guatemala: F&G Editores-Casa Comal-UAEM (2012) and Autoridad, autonomía y derecho indígena en la Guatemala de posguerra, Guatemala: F&G Editores-Casa Comal-UAEM (2011).