Call for collaboration

This is an open invitation to join us in conducting a Many Labs Study to assess public trust in science and science-related populist attitudes worldwide. The same survey will be conducted by all collaborators in as many countries as possible. Contributing to this project will automatically imply co-authorship for resulting publications.

There are two ways one can contribute to this project and become a co-author:

1) Funding and collecting data

This contribution includes translating the survey into the local language (if needed), organizing and funding the data collection for at least 500 participants (completed interviews), returning the dataset by a specified deadline, and obtaining approval by the institution’s IRB (if needed). Samples need to be representative for the target population in terms of age, gender, and education.

2) Funding the data collection process (and potentially the translation) for another collaborator in need of funding

Researchers who have available funds, but limited time to collect data themselves, can become collaborators by funding the data collection process in countries with no collaborators or collaborators in need of funding. The minimum amount of funding required will depend on the cost of conducting research in these countries.




Collaborators will retain authorship positions on all publications in peer-reviewed journals that will result from this project. The project leads will retain first and second authorship positions for the main articles that will result from this project. Core team members will then be listed according to their contributions. All collaborators will then be listed in alphabetical order according to their surname.

Who can participate?

This call is open to any PI, postdoc, or graduate student as well as individuals working at an equivalent research institution. Authorship will be limited to 2 researchers per lab (e.g., PI plus postdoc). NGOs that would like to participate in this project will be considered on an individual basis.

Secondary publications


Beyond the primary paper(s) on which all collaborators will be co-authors, collaborators can take the lead on secondary publications, such as:

  • Pre-registered analyses of the original data (or a subset thereof)

  • Analyses of additional questions/items that can be added to the survey in a collaborator’s home country. Please note that these additional measures can only be added at the end of the TISP questionnaire and might require collaborators to seek IRB approval from their institution. 

If you are interested in collaborating, please fill out this Qualtrics form. The deadline to sign up as a collaborator is August 12. If you have any questions, please email Dr. Viktoria Cologna. Please add “ManyLabs Study” as a subject line.

You can download the call here:

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