December 2016

The Evolution of Judicial Evaluation in Ethiopia - Part 3: Prospects for Sustainability

This is the third and final in a series of three posts we are featuring on the work of the Federal Supreme Court in Ethiopia. To catch up, we encourage you to read the first and second part of the interview where you can find a detailed discussion of the nature of the new judicial performance evaluation system, challenges the Court encountered while piloting and implementing the new system and innovative strategies it employed to overcome some of these challenges.... Read more about The Evolution of Judicial Evaluation in Ethiopia - Part 3: Prospects for Sustainability

New Resource for Understanding Civil Society Contributions to Access to Justice

Across the world, civil society legal empowerment programs are making important contributions to securing access to justice and inclusive development. Many such programs deploy community-based paralegals to provide practical avenues to seek rights and resolve disputes. Such programs add to the range of access points to justice, offer additional avenues to pursue government accountability and improve community knowledge of their rights often at a scale and level of legitimacy in the community that is not readily available to government initiatives alone. The evidence base for the impact of...

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