Mihir Bhaskar, Ph.D.

THESIS: "Diamond nanophotonic quantum networks"
ADVISOR: Prof. Mikhail Lukin
Kudoboard: https://harvardphysics.kudoboard.com/boards/bLLHz5du

What is your home town?
San Jose, CA

What research did you do while at Harvard Physics?
Quantum optics

If you had to describe your work to someone outside of physics, what would you say you do?
Shine lasers at diamonds!

Is there anything about your experience at Harvard you'd like to share with everyone? For example, a funny anecdote, an interesting observation, etc.
"Harvard is a special place for special people" - Misha Lukin

What's a favorite memory you have from your time at Harvard Physics?
The puppet show!

What are your plans for the future?
Developing quantum technologies in the private sector

What advice would you give to incoming G1 students?
Ask for help! Be curious! And don't be in a rush.