PoLS-T Network Talk Series | October 2020


Saturday, October 24, 2020, 11:00am to 12:00pm

October 2020 Talk

Part I "A (brief) historical perspective of physics education in the US"
Part II "Arduinos and Cellphones – some practical labs"

Speaker: Robert Krakehl, Stony Brook University in Stony Brook, NY
Saturday, October 24, 2020 | 11am-12pm EDT

Robert Krakehl, Stony Brook University
Robert Krakehl, Stony Brook University

BIO: Robert Krakehl is currently a secondary school physics teacher in New York, United States. He has been a certified teacher since 2015 after receiving a B.S. and M.A.T. in physics from Stony Brook University. Currently he is a Ph.D candidate in science education at Stony Brook University, researching pre-college physics access, equity and achievement. Krakehl has taught courses from conceptual physics through AP physics and runs a student centered and exploratory based classroom. His passion for making physics accessible comes from his struggles with education and the education system. He firmly believes that physics is the avenue to understand the art of the universe and tries to share this passion with those around him, including his students. He can often be found teaching set design and construction, lighting design and programming as well as audio design and audio engineering in several local high schools. Krakehl is also an enthusiastic musician, with two published albums and often spends his remaining free time rock climbing, off-roading, kayaking and hiking with his wonderful partner, Alli.
Speaker contact: Robert.Krakehl@stonybrook.edu

How to Watch

Watch Robert’s talk & PoLS-T Network post-talk discussion NOW on YouTube or watch and comment via Perusall with course code #MAZUR-8JESK [Perusall Tutorial by Harvard’s Eric Mazur]


Talk and discussion will be LIVE STREAMED on the Harvard PoLS-T Network’s YouTube channel.