Tracy Balboni: 'Harvard Thinking' — Facing Death With Dignity

Facing Death With Dignity

In a podcast episode, a chaplain, an ethicist and a doctor talk about end-of-life care

Nothing is certain except death and taxes. Yet when it comes to death, trying to avoid that certainty has created a culture of discomfort and poor care when it comes to helping people face the end of their lives.

“Death is hidden from us,” said Tracy Balboni in this episode of “Harvard Thinking.” She’s a radiation oncologist and physician at Brigham and Women’s Hospital and Dana-Farber Cancer Institute. “But death will come. As far as I know, no one has avoided it. And yet we’re largely divorced from how to embrace that as families, as communities, in a way that is honoring of both the person who is dying as well as the individuals who are losing a loved one.”


[READ MORE: Facing Death With Dignity Podcast with Tracy Balboni, Mildred Solomon and Chris Berlin