Intimate Partner Violence

Kiribati Family Health And Support Study A Study On Violence Against Women And Children. Secretariat of the Pacific Community; 2010. Publisher's VersionAbstract

This report of the Kiribati Family Health and Support Study analyses data from the first ever nationally representative research on violence against women and related child abuse in this country. This study replicates the WHO multi-country study on Women’s Health and Domestic Violence against Women. The study was designed to

  • estimate the prevalence of physical, sexual and emotional violence against women, with particular emphasis on violence by intimate partners

  • assess the association of partner violence with a range of health outcomes

  • identify factors that may either protect or put women at risk of partner violence

  • document the strategies and services that women use to cope with violence by an intimate partner;

  • assess the association of partner violence with abuse against children

 Methodology of the study

 The study consisted of a qualitative component and a quantitative component. The quantitative component consisted of population-based household survey that was conducted around the country. The sample for the household survey was designed to be nationally representative and aimed to include 1500 women aged 15–49 years. A stratified multi-stage sample design was used, with 20% oversampling to account for non-response. There were five strata: three for the Gilbert Islands, one for the Line and Phoenix Islands, and one for South Tarawa. Within the first four strata islands were randomly selected, and in South Tarawa enumeration areas were systematically selected. Within the islands or enumeration areas, households were systematically selected using probability proportional to size (based on census information). The total sample size was 2000 households to be visited. In each selected household only one woman was randomly selected to be interviewed for the survey among all eligible women 15–49 years of age.


Belknap J, Melton HC, Sullivan C, Fleury-Steiner RE, Denney JT. The Levels and Roles of Social and Institutional Support Reported by Survivors of Intimate Partner Abuse. Feminist Criminology. 2009;4 (4) :337-402. Publisher's VersionAbstract

*The full article is available through this link. This article may be available free of charge to those with university credentials.

This article explores the roles of social (informal) and institutional (formal) support in the lives of 158 women whose intimate partner abuse (IPA) cases reached the courts in three jurisdictions in the United States.  Women were asked who knew about the IPA and their levels of supportiveness. Data analysis includes comparisons across the women in terms of social support and institutional support, and how these were related to the women’s demographic characteristics, whether they were still in a relationship with their abusers, the severity of the violence, and the women’s mental health.

Breaking the Silence, Seeking Justice in Intimate Partner Violence in the Philippines. Women Working Together to Stop Violence against Women; 2009. Publisher's VersionAbstract

Violence against women (VAW), in its various forms – physical, psychological and sexual – continues to be pervasive in the Philippines. Violence against women by State actors was highlighted at the time of martial rule when detained women suffered sexual abuse, torture and other ill-treatment. The human rights issue was largely viewed as State violence, and minimal attention was given to VAW by non-State actors or private individuals, particularly in inter-relational contexts. 

United Nations Secretary-General's Campaign: Unite to End Violence Against Women. UN; 2009. Publisher's VersionAbstract

The document can be found by clicking "Fact Sheets." 

Violence against women takes many forms – physical, sexual, psychological and economic. These forms of violence are interrelated and affect women from before birth to old age. Some types of violence, such as trafficking, cross national boundaries. Women who experience violence suffer a range of health problems and their ability to participate in public life is diminished. Violence against women harms families and communities across generations and reinforces other violence prevalent in society. 

Beeble ML, Post LA, Sullivan C, Bybee D. Factors Related to Willingness to Help Survivors of Intimate Partner Violence. Journal of Interpersonal Violence. 2008;23 (12) :1713-1729. Publisher's VersionAbstract

*The full article is available through this link. This article may be available free of charge to those with university credentials.

Although researchers have found that survivors of intimate partner violence seek support from a multitude of sources, ranging from professionals to informal support networks, little is known about the extent to which community members reach out to help survivors. This study explored the type of support provided to survivors and various factors that relate to individuals' willingness to help. Survivors were more likely to be helped by women, younger individuals, those who strongly endorsed criminal justice interventions for perpetrators, and those who perceived intimate partner violence as a frequently occurring issue in their communities. Two additional factors were found to relate to an individual's likelihood of assisting others, including witnessing intimate partner violence as a child and prior victimization. Further research is needed in this area to explore helper, survivor, and contextual characteristics that may affect one's likelihood to offer assistance to survivors.

Bloom SS. Violence Against Women and Girls: A Compendium of Monitoring and Evaluation Indicators. U.S. Agency for International Development; 2008. Publisher's VersionAbstract

At the request of the USAID East Africa Regional Mission in collaboration with the Inter-agency Gender Working Group (USAID), MEASURE Evaluation developed this compendium with a technical advisory group (TAG) of experts. Initially, a steering committee of experts met over a period of several months to select TAG members, develop a framework for the compendium and generate an initial list of indicators for wider input from the TAG. An extensive literature review was conducted to document any indicators that were already being used. The TAG included individuals from USAID, OGAC, CDC, United Nations organizations including WHO, UNFPA and UNHCR, NGOs, prominent researchers and programmatic experts in the field. Indicators were developed to measure the following areas within VAW/G: 1. Magnitude and characteristics of different forms of VAW/G (skewed sex rations, intimate partner violence, violence from someone other than an intimate partner, female genital cutting/mutilation and child marriage); 2. Programs addressing VAW/G by sector (health, education, justice/security, social welfare); 3. Under-documented forms of VAW/G and emerging areas (humanitarian emergencies, trafficking in persons, femicide), and preventing VAW/G (youth, community mobilization, working with men and boys). The indicators can also be used by programs that may not specifically focus on VAW/G, but include reducing levels of VAW/G as part of their aims. 

WHO Multi-country Study on Women's Health and Domestic Violence against Women. World Health Organization; 2005. Publisher's VersionAbstract

Emphasis on Chapter 9: Women's coping strategies and responses to physical violence by intimate partners

WHO’s landmark study documents violence against women by their intimate partners. This report presents the initial results based on evidence collected from over 24,000 women in 10 countries. The report culminates in 15 recommendations to strengthen national commitment and action on violence against women by promoting primary prevention, harnessing education systems, strengthening the health sector’s response, supporting women living with violence, sensitizing criminal justice systems, undertaking research and enhancing collaboration.

Not a Minute More: Ending Violence Against Women. UNIFEM; 2003. Publisher's VersionAbstract

Our goal in this report is to highlight achievements and indicate what must be done to build on these achievements. The report provides examples of good practices as well as of efforts that did not meet the goals set out for them — and explores why not. It looks at the challenges ahead, and asks what the most fruitful next steps might be. The work of the last decades indicates several directions for the future, but one of the most critical areas is the need for collaboration and partnerships. No one government or international agency or civil society organization can hope to have an impact alone. Pooling resources, sharing strengths and knowledge and listening to local leaders will allow end-violence efforts to move to the next level. We hope that that the lessons gathered here will serve as a tool, a prod and an inspiration to those entrusted with building the rule of law and honouring human rights as the basis for human security everywhere. 

Alméras D, Bravo R, Milosavljevic V, Montaño S, Nieves Rico M. Violencia contra la mujer en relación de pareja: América Latina y el Caribe. Una propuesta para medir su magnitud y evolución. Santiago de Chile: CEPAL; 2002 pp. 52. Publisher's VersionAbstract

El documento ha sido preparado por la Unidad Mujer y Desarrollo de la CEPAL como un insumo para la Reunión 'estadísticas e Indicadores de género para medir incidencia y evolución de la violencia contra la mujer en América Latina y el Caribe' que se realizó en La Paz, Bolivia, del 21 al 23 de Noviembre de 2001. El documento recoge los aportes realizados por los participantes al documento de trabajo presentado por la CEPAL durante la reunión y es una herramienta que contribuye a medir la magnitud y las principales características de la violencia contra la mujer en relación de pareja.
