2020 Posters

"The Decline of Evening Newspapers: Partisan Local News Coverage and Voter Behavior" Kevin DeLuca, Tyler Simko, and James M. Snyder Jr.
"Drying Up Support: The Political Consequences of Rationing Public Services for Urban Incumbents" Alyssa Huberts
"Executive Incentives for Unilateral Military Action" Katherine Irajpanah
"Women, Power, and Networks: The Gendered Politics of Economic Empowerment" Adaugo Pamela Nwakanma
"Appellate Court Influence over District Courts in the United States" Michael P. Olson and Albert Rivero
"A Referendum on Quarantine: Cost-Benefit Analysis of Public Health in the 19th Century" Casey Petroff
"Elite Communication and Public Attitudes toward the Supreme Court" Andrew R. Stone
"Segregation and the Spatial Externalities of Inequality: Understanding the Mechanisms that Link Segregation to Public Goods" Alice Xu
"Bringing the State In: How Does Police Brutality Impact Calling the Police?" Michael Zoorob