Yiyang Guo presents


Thursday, November 9, 2023, 1:30pm to 3:00pm

Theme maximalization encoded by verbal classifiers: bian in Mandarin Chinese


Maximalization strategies and their syntactic representations are at the centre of a long debate (Filip and Rothstein 2006; Filip 2008; Martínez Vera 2021; a.o.). Semantically, events can be maximalized with respect to theme, path, degree, etc., and thus maximalization features several types. Syntactically, maximalization has been argued to be exerted by a verb or an argument of the verb. This research offers a novel observation: elements in a modifier position can also give rise to maximalization effects. In particular, I propose that bian, an event-external verbal classifier in Mandarin (cf. Deng 2013; Donazzan 2013; Zhang 2017), is a theme-maximalizing element situated in a modifier of the verb. I further provide a compositional analysis within the framework of neo-Davidsonian event semantics.