Interviews: Bernstein's Greater Musical Worlds

Audio interviews were conducted during the fall 2006 Leonard Bernstein, Boston to Broadway festival, by students enrolled in a Harvard seminar on musical theater conducted by Carol J. Oja. The interviewers were Victoria Aschheim, Shira Brettman, Rachel Carpentier, Casey Cohen, Kurt Crowley, Sarah Eggleston, Henry Fienning, Johanna Frymoyer, Marc Gidal, Katherine Lee, Drew Massey, and Rachel Williams.  Requests by students or interviewees to remain anonymous have been honored.

This section of the website also includes a short documentary by Shira Brettman about Leonard Bernstein's childhood summers in Sharon, MA.

The interview transcriptions were completed by students during the course of the seminar and edited by Ryan Raul Bañagale. We have had the resources to do only limited checking of names, spellings, and other details. As ethnographers are well aware, interview transcripts are, by nature, representational documents. Several people working with the same text may produce transcriptions that are quite different. We are pleased to be able to offer both transcripts and recordings, tools best used together.

Recordings of interviews and transcripts are available for in-library use only. Some materials may be cited in public presentations and publications by permission only. To arrange for access or for information about how to obtain permissions, contact Kerry Masteller, Reference and Digital Program Librarian, Loeb Music Library (advance notice appreciated).