Noori Zubair

Ms. Noori Zubair

Noori Zubair is, and has been for two years, a Principal Investigator at the International Socioeconomic Laboratory. Here, she has supervised numerous groups of bright interns from all around the world and paved the way for us in understanding pressing topics such as COVID-19's Effects on Students' Gap Years, Diet Pills and Muscle-building Supplements for Youth, and the New York City Healthcare Expansion Project, with her highly effective research methods.

Although Noori has inspired her interns and colleagues alike at the International Socioeconomic Laboratory, she loves to keep herself busy, and is always in pursuit of the next best thing. As only an 18-year-old hailing from Karachi, Pakistan, she has proved that age is just a number, and that no amount of obstacles will ever hold her back. Back home, she has been a sensational leader in numerous communities, of which her favorite was Taleem Sab Kay Liye, where she received many accolades for mastering the art of writing professionally, communicating at international platforms for her organization, and even saving her organization in times of crises with her leadership skills.

She has also successfully completed many community service and entrepreneurship internships, all while preparing for her A-Level examinations, planning her Gap Year, and continuing to embrace her love for mankind with every opportunity that knocks her door. In the future, she plans to fulfill her dreams of diving into the world of Creative Writing, Literature, and Linguistics at a top undergraduate university, and given her keen interest in pure sciences, also pursue a minor in Biology.