Claudia Favarato

Claudia Favarato

Postdoctoral Associate
Claudia Favarato

Claudia Favarato is a postdoctoral research fellow with the Humboldt Foundation, at Universität Bayreuth. Her main research interests are in political theory and philosophy, with special emphasis on the notions of humanness, political relations, and political community in African and communitarian political thought.

She received her Masters in African Studies from the Universidade de Lisboa & MS in International Politics and Diplomacy from the Università degli Studi di Padova. At ULisboa, she received her Ph.D. in Political Science and served as an assistant lecturer at ISCSP. In addition, she worked as a visiting researcher at SOAS, University of London.

Currently, she studies digitality, technology, and Afro-communitarian political thought. Her research project questions how the increasing presence of technologies and digitalisation is acting to reshape the human and political core principles of African-communitarian political thought. The analysis centres on two cases-study, Nigeria and Mozambique, aiming to engender theorisation from interpretative analysis of examined realities.

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