Nicholas Pritchard

Nicholas Pritchard

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Nicholas Pritchard is a geographer interested in the relationships between time, ecology, and history. He researches the history and philosophy of science in the late nineteenth century, exploration and extraction in the deep sea, the broader politics of the world ocean, and capitalist temporal regimes. 

His PhD project looks at the construction of time(s) during British scientific research to the deep sea in the late nineteenth century. Focusing on the texts and images from the Challenger Expedition, it asks how diverse temporalities – work-time regimes, imperial time, and “deep time”, for example – co-existed and informed one another. Broader, it asks how these temporal constructions interacted with early Modernist ideas of time and how these might have informed responses to climate catastrophe.

Nicholas is currently a PhD student in the geography department at the University of Cambridge and a visiting scholar at the Rachel Carson Centre at LMU, Munich. He previously studied for a BA in English at SOAS University of London and an MSt in Literature and Arts at Oxford.

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